Rivers of the Atlantic

Europe Africa Antarctica South America North America Greenland Sea Baltic Oder Vistula Neman / Neris Daugava Neva / Svir Volkhov Elba Weser Rhine Meuse Moselle Seine Loire Dordogne Garonne Douro Tagus Mediterranean Ebro Rhône Po Black Sea Danube Dniester Dnieper Don Kızılırmak Nile / White Nile Blue Nile Senegal Gambia Niger Benue Kaduna Sokoto Bani Sanaga Ogooué Congo / Lualaba Kwa / Kassai Kwango Sankuru Sangha Tshuapa Lomami Cuanza Cunene Southern Ocean Jutulstraumen Stancomb-Wills Filchner Slessor Recovery Ronne Foundation Evans Larsen Drake Passage Strait of Magellan Negro Colorado Paraná Salado Paraguay Bermejo Pilcomayo Uruguay São Francisco Araguaia Tocantins Amazon Xingu Iriri Tapajós / Teles Pires Juruena Trombetas Madeira Mamoré Beni Negro Branco Vaupés Purus Japurá Juruá Putumayo Napo Marañón Essequibo Orinoco Caroní Meta Guaviare Magdalena Usumacinta Grande Mississippi Red Arkansas Ohio Tennessee Missouri Illinois Alabama Hudson St. Lawrence Saguenay Ottawa Hudson Bay Nelson Nares Peterman Helheim Kangerdlugssuaq AtlanticOcean
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Most maps show rivers as squiggly flows over continents. This one flips the narrative, showing rivers as simplified flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Here’s the promised follow-up to Rivers of the Pacific.

The most striking features are the Mediterranean, into which many of the great rivers of Europe and one of the great rivers of Africa flow, and, of course, the Amazon, whose voluminous tributaries are, if anything, underrepresented on this visualization.

There’s a strange symmetry between the Pacific and Atlantic maps: in both cases, the most extensive drainage systems are to the west.

In the case of the Pacific map, the Mekong, Pearl, Yangtze and Yellow rivers in China dominate, while the Rockies’ and the Andes’ proximity to the west coast of the Americas minimizes the flow from the east.

In the case of the Atlantic map, the Amazon, Orinoco and Mississippi rivers drain huge areas of the Americas, though the Mediterranean and the Niger and Congo rivers to the east make the assymmetry less pronounced.

Well, that’s most of the planet covered, just the Indian and Arctic oceans to follow!

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